Search for tag: "land management"
ArcGIS Pro: Beyond PixelsCome join your Department of Interior colleagues in camaraderie for the fifth in the Migration to ArcGIS Pro webinar series. Image processing and analysis offer powerful insights that can aid in…
From Scott Ward
26 plays
ArcGIS Pro: What's New?Come join your Department of Interior colleagues in camaraderie for the sixth and final in the Migration to ArcGIS Pro webinar series. Whether you are just getting started with ArcGIS Pro or have…
From Scott Ward
27 plays
ArcGIS Pro: Exploring, Transforming & Integrating DataCome join the fourth installment of our Migration to ArcGIS Pro webinar series for the Department of the Interior. Data Engineering is the critical first step to making data ready for analysis,…
From Scott Ward
66 plays
Managing Utility ROW with ArcGIS Parcel FabricEvery utility needs to track the easements and fee title property associated with their utility system. Learn how to manage and share this organization critical information using the Parcel Fabric…
From Esri
93 plays
Introduction to ArcGIS Pro: Considerations when Migrating from ArcMapAre you currently transitioning ArcMap workflows into ArcGIS Pro? Come join your Department of Interior colleagues in camaraderie for the first in the Migration to ArcGIS Pro webinar series to…
From Scott Ward
240 plays
Protecting the Places We Love | Official Esri Press TrailerBold conservation goals require strategic action. See how geospatial data and modern applications can improve your existing conservation efforts, big and small, in "Protecting the Places We…
From Esri Press
181 plays
GIS for Land and Wildlife ManagementLand management agencies protect our communities’ natural and cultural resources. Understanding the relationships between ecosystems and our impacts on them requires a geographic approach. With…
From Shannon Valdizon
507 plays
Bureau of Land Management, U.S. Department of the InteriorTravel across America alongside GIS professionals from the federal government who take us outside the DC beltway and into the field for a first-hand look at how GIS is interconnecting their work. …
From Esri
14 plays
Modernizing Land Management WorkflowsLearn how you can preserve the integrity of your property information, eliminate duplication of data, and better serve your constituents. Esri provides a suite of configurable tools and applications…
From Esri
36 plays
Esri UC 2017: Mike Thomson, Land Title and Survey Authority of the Province of British ColumbiaThe Land Title and Survey Authority is responsible for the maintenance and operation of the land titles and survey systems in British Columbia. Recently, the Authority mapped a visual representation…
From Esri
7 plays