Search for tag: "health and human services"
Grant TrackerThe Grant Tracker solution delivers a set of capabilities that help grantees develop an authoritative inventory of grants, track grants through key phases, evaluate their effectiveness, and inform…
From ArcGIS Solutions
299 plays
GIS Request ManagementThe GIS Request Management solution delivers a set of capabilities that help you solicit requests for service, manage the delivery of GIS services, and promote the value of GIS to internal…
From ArcGIS Solutions
2,703 plays
Homelessness Point in Time CountThe Homelessness Point-in-Time Count solution delivers a set of capabilities that help Continuums of Care (CoC) enlist community volunteers to conduct point-in-time counts, manage participating…
From ArcGIS Solutions
314 plays
Immunization OutreachThe Immunization Outreach solution delivers a set of capabilities that help you inventory vaccine providers, communicate vaccination coverage, and promote available resources. Learn more
From ArcGIS Solutions
97 plays
Sustainable Development GoalsThe Sustainable Development Goals solution delivers a set of capabilities that help you share progress made on Sustainable Development Goals, encourage community engagement, and combat…
From ArcGIS Solutions
345 plays
Social Equity AnalysisThe Social Equity Analysis solution delivers a set of capabilities that help you understand community characteristics, analyze community conditions and actions, and generate an equity analysis index…
From ArcGIS Solutions
740 plays
Opioid Epidemic OutreachThe Opioid Epidemic Outreach solution delivers a set of capabilities that help you inventory prevention and treatment resources, communicate the severity of the epidemic, and promote resources…
From ArcGIS Solutions
213 plays
HomelessnessThe Homelessness Risk Reduction solution delivers a set of capabilities that help local governments understand where homelessness may originate in your community and actively monitor regular reports…
From ArcGIS Solutions
105 plays
Applying GIS | Official Esri Press Series TrailerHow do you bring the value of a geographic information system (GIS) into your company or organization? Start with the Applying GIS series, which explores how location intelligence is used in…
From Esri Press
363 plays
Active Transportation OutreachThe Active Transportation Outreach solution delivers a set of capabilities that help state and local governments inventory human-powered transportation facilities and promote transportation…
From ArcGIS Solutions
260 plays
GIS Jump Start for Health Professionals | Official Esri Press TrailerNow, more than ever, professionals can benefit from the power of location data, maps, and analytics in healthcare. GIS Jump Start for Health Professionals is a concise workbook that introduces…
From Esri Press
110 plays
GIS Tutorial for Health for ArcGIS Desktop 10.8 | Official Esri Press TrailerKnowing how technology can improve health research and health-care management applications has never been more important. GIS Tutorial for Health for ArcGIS Desktop 10.8 introduces you to preparing,…
From Esri Press
67 plays
Learning from COVID-19: GIS for Pandemics | Official Esri Press TrailerLearning from COVID-19: GIS for Pandemics explores a collection of real-life case studies about how organizations across the globe have successfully used GIS to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. This…
From Esri Press
46 plays
Mapping the Opioid EpidemicOakland County, MI presents part of their GIS solution for the opioid epidemic at the 2017 Esri Health and Human Services Conference. Trisha Zizumbo, Public Health Education Supervisor at Oakland…
From Esri
13 plays
Modeling the Human Hand with CityEngineThis video shows a unique and innovative use of CityEngine to track the progress of therapy to improve a patient's ability to grip and extend their fingers using an interactive 3D model of a…
From Esri
17 plays
Using WebGIS for the Opioid EpidemicEsri technical presenters, Jared Shoultz and Phil Mielke, showcase how to use solution templates for the opioid epidemic. Tune in to see specific steps on how to use pre-configured applications as…
From Esri
7 plays