Search for tag: "netherlands"

Can GIS Keep Dutch Trains on Track?

Rail passengers in the Netherlands are expected to increase 30% by 2030, but there’s no open space to build new lines. To prepare for the next generation of riders, ProRail, the organization…

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From  Carly Scholte 1,765 plays

City of Zwolle: Smart Society

Hear how the City of Zwolle in the Netherlands is using ArcGIS to engage with its citizens, helping to better understand the effects of climate change in the…

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From  Esri 15 plays

City of Zwolle: ArcGIS Hub Citizen Engagement

The City of Zwolle, Netherlands, recognizes that they will likely face challenges resulting from climate change, and they are undertaking efforts to improve their ability to adapt to changes as they…

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From  Esri 55 plays

Schiedam, the Netherlands ArcGIS 3D Lidar animation

Mobile Terrestrial Lidar is captured from the ground using a vehicle or person with a handheld device on the ground. Data can be collected from anywhere the sensor can travel, including inside…

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From  Esri 35 plays

Tom Veldkamp, University of Twente, Netherlands

ArcGIS provides insight into location around the world and helps model solutions that improve global development. Learn more by watching this video.

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From  Esri 5 plays