Search for tag: "gis for natural resources"

E360: Naftali Honig, African Parks Network

At Garamba National Park in the Democratic Republic of Congo, national parks provide stability in a chaotic part of the world that help not just the wildlife, but the greater community. GIS helps…

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From  Esri 21 plays

E360: Graham Stickler, Mission Blue and Beyond 180

Mission Blue is one of the world's largest ocean charities. By using the geospatial data platform Beyond 180, Mission Blue hopes to use ocean mapping to get local communities engaged with ocean…

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From  Esri 13 plays

E360: Steve Young, Washington State Department of Natural Resources

The Washington State Department of Natural Resources uses GIS to oversee four million acres of aquatics and state forests. They've developed a number of GIS solutions including an Aquatics…

From  Esri 9 plays