Tools for public safety are in high demand. Join us to learn how to use ArcGIS AllSource and ArcGIS Knowledge to explore and analyze spatial, nonspatial, structured, and unstructured data to…
Investigators and analysts can explore hidden patterns of data and visual relationships between disparate data sources on a map, using ArcGIS Knowledge, a powerful enterprise knowledge graph service…
Do you use an RMS/CAD or other system to collect event information? Learn how to save time and effort adding features to existing spatial datasets with the Crime Analysis solution for ArcGIS Pro.
What is Esri doing in Europe? Predictive Crime Analysis, Real-Time Fleet Tracking, Green Space Planning, Digital Twin, and Air Quality Monitoring.
Technology Trends
Digital Transformation
Location Intelligence
This session will provide an overview to a set of public safety solutions that help police and fire agencies analyze incident data, understand risk, improve operations, and inform internal and…
This session will help you get started with the Crime Analysis solution and learn how you can use the solution to manage incident data, conduct tactical and strategic analysis, perform investigative…
Modern Policing Using ArcGIS Pro is an easy-to-us, hands-on guide for crime analysts of any skill level. Crime mapping and spatial analysis play a key role in a variety of day-to-day police…
Using both theory and technique, Understanding Crime makes the geographic analysis of crime more accessible for readers and professionals of all levels. Written by crime science expert Dr. Spencer…
In Part 4 of our Crime Analysis with ArcGIS Pro blog series, we examine problem location analysis and show you how to use the 80-20 Analysis and Summarize Incident Count tools. These tools support…
"Modern Policing Using ArcGIS Pro" is an easy-to-us, hands-on guide for crime analysts of any skill level. Crime mapping and spatial analysis play a key role in a variety of day-to-day…
Watch John Beck, Esri’s director of Law Enforcement Solutions, talk with Dr. Spencer Chainey, author of Understanding Crime: Analyzing the Geography of Crime and associate professor at…
In the third episode of our Crime Analysis with ArcGIS Pro blog series, we will show you how to map and summarize crime data by polygons or lines and then calculate percent change in that data…
In this edition of our Crime Analysis with ArcGIS Pro blog series, we examine the selection toolset. Once crime data has been imported into ArcGIS Pro, the next step is often to select the data that…
In this new video/blog series, the Esri law enforcement team is going to highlight new capabilities, common workflows, and tips and tricks for the crime analyst using ArcGIS Pro and the Crime…
Using both theory and technique, "Understanding Crime" makes the geographic analysis of crime more accessible for readers and professionals of all levels. Written by crime science expert…
In this month's webinar, we will be joined by the Houston Police Department (HPD) to discuss how they are leveraging GIS to support a wide variety of agency workflows - going beyond crime…