Search for tag: "policing"
Policing in the 21st CenturyIn the Redlands Forum on September 28, Chief Rachel Tolber and deputy chief Deanna Cantrell of the Redlands Police Department delivered a presentation on policing in the 21st century. Their talk…
From Redlands Forum
38 plays
Mobility and Crime Information Center ProjectThe PPD Mobility project aims transform a standard City-issued mobile phone into CJIS-compliant mobile device in hands of every police officer. The project leverages ESRI technology, such as ArcGIS…
From Esri
135 plays
ArcGIS for Police TransparencyJoin the Esri Law Enforcement Team as we discuss how your agency can build trust and legitimacy with an easy-to-configure community engagement hub. Police Transparency uses ArcGIS Hub technology to…
From Esri
24 plays