Search for tag: "owc gis forum"

USGS Geospatial Information Response & User Engagement

On day two's technical Plenary Session, we…

From  Esri 25 plays

Integrated Earth Systems and the Weather, Water, and Climate Enterprise

Improving outcomes for our global future - The…

From  Esri 18 plays

Our Planet…Our Future…

Improving outcomes for our global future - The…

From  Esri 14 plays

Using Technology to Ignite Public Support for Marine Protected Areas

How do you tell the story of a faraway place…

From  Esri 11 plays

Spatial Analysis for Vessel Collision Risk Assessment

In order to estimate the risk of vessel…

From  Esri 42 plays

Mapping Caribbean Benthic Habitats Using Planetscope Imagery

High-resolution benthic habitat data fill an…

From  Esri 25 plays

Inventorying Benthic Habitats for Well-Managed Marine Ecosystems with Dashboard

Habitat inventories are useful assessments that…

From  Esri 25 plays

Tracing the Source of Ocean Trash

Ocean trash is an emerging environmental crisis…

From  Esri 29 plays

Geo-Enabled Experiences: Helping Anglers Fish Responsibly at Gray’s Reef

Responsible recreation has kept Gray’s Reef…

From  Esri 4 plays

Repetitive Flood Loss Area Analysis of New Orleans

In 2005, Katrina flooded a large portion of New…

From  Esri 107 plays

Sampling Design Tool for ArcGIS Pro

The Sampling Design Tool for ArcGIS Pro randomly…

From  Esri 47 plays

Make Data Meaningful – Informing 30x30

The 30x30 conservation initiative provides a…

From  Esri 26 plays

Cumulative Analysis of Overlapping Marine Protections

Overlapping marine protected areas (MPAs) and…

From  Esri 10 plays

Automating Shoreline Extraction Workflow Using Normalized Index from UAS Imagery

Being ever-changing and most important feature of…

From  Esri 102 plays

Designing a Wind Energy Siting Solution Compatible with National Security in the Commonwealth of Virginia

Growing demand for renewable energy prompts the…

From  Esri 21 plays

Implementing ArcGIS Hub for a Gulf of Mexico Community Data Portal

The Gulf of Mexico Alliance is using ArcGIS Hub…

From  Esri 27 plays