Search for tag: "homeless count app"
Survey123 for ArcGIS - Homeless Count ResultsThis application is used to view the detailed results of a Point-in-Time Count of sheltered and unsheltered homeless persons. For more information, visit:…
From ArcGIS Survey123
15 plays
Survey123 for ArcGIS - Homeless Activity ResultsAn application used to view detailed results of homeless individuals and encampments in the community submitted by the general public. For more information, visit:…
From ArcGIS Survey123
14 plays
Survey123 for ArcGIS - Homeless Activity ReporterThis survey is used by the general public and engaged organizations to report the locations of homeless individuals and encampments in the community. For more information visit:…
From ArcGIS Survey123
26 plays
Crowdsource Manager - Homeless Activity ManagerAn application used to manage reports of homeless individuals and encampments in the community submitted by the general public. For more information, visit:…
From ArcGIS Survey123
16 plays