Search for tag: "emergency preparedness"
Answering These 3 Questions Will Help You Save Time Managing Your HospitalIn the wake of COVID-19, hospitals are scrambling for space, medical supplies, and ensuring the safety of staff. ArcGIS Indoors is equipped to save patient room allocation, real-time asset…
From Esri
18 plays
Spatially Preparing Hospitals for Emergency PlanningNow more than ever, hospital facilities need to be prepared for COVID-19. We, at Esri, are looking to help healthcare systems by providing GIS technology. Specifically, our technology can enable…
From Esri
10 plays
Butte County’s GIS Response to the Camp FireButte County, located in northern California, has experienced many wildland fires that threatened both public safety and structures in recent history. However, nothing compared to the devastation to…
From Esri
81 plays