Search for tag: "recover"
Advances in GIS Integration at Ohio EMAOhio EMA has improved its deliverables to many end users using Esri technology by modernizing our platform and toolbox to assist the Ohio EMA in evaluating and disseminating the status of critical…
From Esri
41 plays
Keynote ClosingJoin us as we conclude the discussion about how the geographic approach helps organizations prepare and adapt to a rapidly changing world, and better respond and recover from significant events.
From Esri
27 plays
Building a Safe and Resilient Future - Part 2Join us as we continue the discussion about how the geographic approach helps organizations prepare and adapt to a rapidly changing world, and better respond and recover from significant events.
From Esri
48 plays
Building a Safe and Resilient FutureIn today’s modern world, organizations must contend with risks that are more complex, interconnected, and systemic than ever before. From natural, technological, and human-caused threats and…
From Esri
72 plays
Butte County’s GIS Response to the Camp FireButte County, located in northern California, has experienced many wildland fires that threatened both public safety and structures in recent history. However, nothing compared to the devastation to…
From Esri
81 plays