Search for tag: "911"
ArcGIS Solutions: Address Data ManagementCorrect addresses are essential for 911 services, permitting activities, and taxation purposes. Join us to see how the Address Data Management solution helps local governments and other authorities…
From Esri
70 plays
ArcGIS Solutions: Address Data ManagementThis session will provide an overview of the Address Data Management solution that helps local and state governments manage authoritative address repositories.
From Esri
260 plays
GIS in Emergency Communications PanelContinue the conversation with NENA and Cal OES with Esri and questions from the audience on GIS in Emergency Communications.
From Esri
26 plays
The California Experience in Next Generation 911CaOES - Learn how California migrated their antiquated 911 system toward a Next-Generation-Ready, geospatial addressing solution with plans to tackle indoor positioning and 3D challenges in the PSAP.
From Esri
69 plays
The GIS Focus for PSAPs in 2020Join your colleagues from around the world as we announce the 2020 GIS focus for PSAPs. The primary focus of this webinar will be on address data. It highlights Esri’s new “Address Data…
From Esri
3 plays
Life-Saving Data Feeds for the PSAPThis webinar focuses on three powerful data sources used by PSAPs to reduce the notification time for traffic accidents, active shooter events and emerging weather patterns. Evidence shows that…
From Esri
15 plays
Share PSAP Data Effectively and Securely with ArcGIS Enterprise and HubFocusing on ArcGIS Hub, a proven tool used by the government to engage in initiatives and issues such as Next Generation 911. Learn how to create and launch a Hub, put your data to work like never…
From Esri
12 plays
Five Challenges for Emergency Call-Taking in 2019 WebinarJoin Esri as we outline our 2019 focus for the Emergency Call-Taking and Dispatch Industry. This session will discuss the following topics in short vignettes; 1) Address Database Challenges, 2)…
From Esri
9 plays
Building a GIS Framework for Next Generation 911 - The Roanoke County ExperienceAs global connectivity and communications mobility increases, Next Generation 911 (NG911) augments the capabilities of a Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP), or 911 center, beyond voice into photos,…
From Esri
36 plays
Accessing Location Information from Smartphone DevicesDuring the next installment of the Emergency Call Taking and Dispatch Series, we'll focus on a game changing tool for PSAPs. The promise of improved 911 caller location has been the focus of…
From Esri
19 plays
Major Event Venue and Critical Infrastructure Mapping for PSAPWe'll provide updates and information relevant to creating interactive, 3D maps of critical infrastructure including major event venues. Participants will gain insight into how 3D GIS embraces…
From Esri
9 plays