During the next installment of the Emergency Call Taking and Dispatch Series, we'll focus on a game changing tool for PSAPs. The promise of improved 911 caller location has been the focus of public safety telecommunicators, national trade organizations and federal oversight agencies for a long time. The vision of “what could be” has now become the reality of “what is” available to PSAPs. This webinar gives a practical overview on how to access accurate smartphone device location and additional emergency data from Apple, Uber, other apps and connected devices. Experts from Esri, RapidSOS and GeoComm will discuss a new solution that is FREE for every PSAP in America – today, through the RapidSOS NG911 Clearinghouse.
For more information, please visit: https://www.esri.com/en-us/landing-page/industry/public-safety/2018/cad-ebook
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