Regional Collaboration Through ArcGIS Hub Deployment
From Esri March 2nd, 2021
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The Southeast Michigan Council of Governments (SEMCOG) is utilizing ArcGIS Hub capacities to collaborate with the Communities, Organizations, and stakeholders in Southeast Michigan on collecting and reporting surface conditions data that effect the maintenance needs, safety and usability of trails in the region, as well as collecting and evaluating safety features along the trails, such as signage, hazards, lighting, etc. and trail amenities data such as bike repair stations, restrooms, and seating areas which enhance the trail users' experience. This initiative created a one-stop destination for the participants, enabling SEMCOG to explain the project step by step, provide participants with the necessary resources, and track the progress. In March 2020, SEMCOG adopted the Bicycle and Pedestrian Mobility Plan for Southeast Michigan. Several policies and actions within the plan identified the need for development of a system that enables communities to evaluate the condition of the trails in the region. To address this issue, SEMCOG staff utilized ESRI's QuickCapture and developed the Southeast Michigan Trails Condition project to collect trails condition, surface type, hazards along the trails, traffic control devices, as well as trail amenities. Next, and to provide access to the project for communities and organizations in the region, SEMCOG developed the Southeast Michigan Trails Condition Hub Site. This hub site enabled SEMCOG to explained the project step by step, embed text, webmaps, Survey123 form, project training video and frequently asked questions section. The workflow for this project includes, one staff within each community request an ArcGIS Online account using the embedded Survey123 form in the hub site. SEMCOG staff create the account for that community and adds the account to the hub's content group. The community uses that assigned account to access the QuickCapture Project. A user guidebook was developed by SEMCOG staff and links to the downloadable documents are available on the hub site. The results of the project are available to view when logged in with the assigned ArcGIS Online account. The account request approach, enabled SEMCOG to monitor who is accessing the project and project results. This initiative is ongoing and is expected to be used by communities to prioritize their maintenance work, use the results map as support document for their grant applications.
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