Search for tag: "usc"
Urban Green Initiatives to Combat Our Warming PlanetAt the Redlands Forum on Thursday, October 26, we explored the work of the University of Southern California (USC) Spatial Sciences Institute's Urban Trees Initiative to analyze the existing…
From Redlands Forum
44 plays
Using geodesign to prioritize & promote urban greening initiatives in Los AngelesThis presentation describes the work of the USC Urban Trees Initiative over the past three years to describe the existing tree canopy in five low income Los Angeles neighborhoods - Boyle Heights,…
From Esri
11 plays
Generalizable Procedural Rules for TOD & Urban AllocationsTransit-oriented development (TOD), the development of compacted, mixed-use centers near high-quality transit, is increasingly considered a promising method to help communities grow more vibrant,…
From Esri
13 plays
Essential Elements of Geodesign for EducationAs geodesign emerges as a field of study in higher education, a question arises as to the essential elements that require mastery for a student to be seen as competent in the field. I propose that…
From Esri
4 plays