Search for tag: "service area"
Transit Accessibility IsochronesWe'd like to answer the question "How easily can people access important destinations by transit?" In prior videos, we created a transit-enabled network dataset and tested it out by…
From Esri
38 plays
Creating a Network Dataset with Public Transit DataIn order to include public transit schedule data in a network analysis, we need to create a network dataset that includes the public transit data. This video walks you through that process. We start…
From Esri
133 plays
Modeling Travel by Public TransitFrequent, convenient transit service isn't useful if that service doesn't take you valuable destinations, like your job, your school, the grocery store, the doctor's office, the…
From Esri
35 plays
Mapping Transit System CoverageThis video answers the question "What geographic area is served by the transit system?" We'll discuss how to, and how not to, map the transit system coverage area. We'll use the…
From Esri
43 plays