Search for tag: "redshift"
Animated Maps: Ten Most Destructive California WildfiresIn 2003, the Cedar Fire swept through Southern California’s San Diego County, consuming more than 273,000 acres, destroying nearly 3,000 structures, and killing 15 people. It was the…
From Esri
128 plays
Animated Maps: Arctic Sea Ice Age DeclineAt the World Economic Forum this week in Davos, Switzerland, the young climate change activist Greta Thunberg had stern words for the world’s most powerful people. Citing the work of the 2018…
From Esri
168 plays
Animated Maps: Federal vs State Minimum WagesIn 1968, a few weeks after the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., thousands of people marched on Washington as part of the Poor People's Campaign. A project of King and the Southern…
From Esri
35 plays
Animated Maps: Seasonal Tornado MigrationsThis animated map shows the ebb and flow of tornado migrations in the continental United States. Using data from NOAA's Storm Prediction Center, we aggregated over 50 years of tornado events…
From Esri
118 plays
Animated Maps: Ten Years of Sea Surface TemperaturesSea Surface Temperature is a key climate and weather measurement used for weather prediction, ocean forecasts, tropical cyclone forecasts, and in coastal applications such as fisheries, pollution…
From Esri
192 plays