Search for tag: "organizations"
Geospatial Enablement Program for Official StatisticsArcGIS is a complete solution for your census. Qualified National Statistical Organizations (NSOs) can leverage this technology for census and statistical operations and program management. Learn…
From Esri National Government
96 plays
Developers Make GIS WorkEuan Cameron, CTO Developer Technology at Esri, shares his thoughts on the impact that developers are having within their organizations and with the users that they're building their solutions…
From Esri
239 plays
International Land Conservation Network, GIS, and GeodesignThe Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, which in 2021 celebrated its 75th anniversary, seeks to improve quality of life through the effective use, taxation, and stewardship of land. Following in…
From Esri
10 plays
ArcGIS Online Org HealthArcGIS Online Organizations are the heart of school and college licenses. Customizing roles with privileges, checking key security items, ensuring sufficient admins exist, single sign-on, orderly…
From Industry Solutions
16 plays
Building the Foundation for an Integrated Geospatial Cloud for BusinessAlthough there is no exact path for the Geospatial Journey within any business enterprise, Esri solutions professionals have been working with global organizations to develop a geospatial cloud for…
From Ryan Gullett
94 plays
Enhancing Community Collaboration with ArcGIS HubCOVID-19 has had a big impact on how we respond to disasters and crisis with GIS. It has changed to game to shift to a community approach. This shift is enabled by the information sharing…
From Esri
52 plays
Creating Tools to Support Community OutreachThe Philadelphia Fire Department is one of the oldest in the country and steeped in centuries of tradition, but like many public safety organizations it can be difficult to adapt those traditions to…
From Esri
88 plays
Using Realtime GIS for Counter UAS WorkflowsThe increasingly complex threats posed by unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) have fast become a leading concern to security organizations worldwide. Concerning use cases can involve surveillance,…
From Esri
120 plays
Keynote ClosingJoin us as we conclude the discussion about how the geographic approach helps organizations prepare and adapt to a rapidly changing world, and better respond and recover from significant events.
From Esri
28 plays
Building a Safe and Resilient Future - Part 2Join us as we continue the discussion about how the geographic approach helps organizations prepare and adapt to a rapidly changing world, and better respond and recover from significant events.
From Esri
51 plays
Building a Safe and Resilient FutureIn today’s modern world, organizations must contend with risks that are more complex, interconnected, and systemic than ever before. From natural, technological, and human-caused threats and…
From Esri
74 plays
Data Lightning TalksSuccessful imagery-based workflows begin with choosing appropriate data sources. Satellite and aerial imagery provide a view of the Earth from above which power the ArcGIS Imagery System to create…
From Esri
89 plays
Automate Your Scaling OperationsShreyas Shinde, Group Development Lead - ArcGIS Enterprise demonstrates CICD pipeline-based workflows to load and replicate content across portals in an organization.
From Esri
413 plays
Jack Dangermond Keynote at Land & Poverty Conference 2019For more information about sustainable development, please visit: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Follow us…
From Esri
6 plays
Measuring Impact with Remotely Sensed Imagery and Machine LearningWe will explore the techniques for analyzing free or inexpensive satellite and aerial imagery to monitor economic, agricultural, and environmental programs. The webinar is for people who are…
From Esri
14 plays
Sharing Geospatial Information for Humanitarian Response WebinarGIS has revolutionized the ability to collaborate and communicate during a humanitarian response by international organizations and NGOs. Learn about the workflows for managing and sharing geospatial…
From Esri
6 plays