This video talks about tools in ArcGIS Pro for creating and editing the geographic components of a GTFS dataset – the stops and the shapes. In this video, we see how you can edit your GTFS…
This video talks about how to calculate the transit accessibility to destinations. We show how you can do a comprehensive analysis of the level of public transit access in your city to important…
We'd like to answer the question "How easily can people access important destinations by transit?" In prior videos, we created a transit-enabled network dataset and tested it out by…
In the last video, we saw how to create a network dataset using your public transit data, but we glossed over the details about the various network dataset settings. However, it's important that…
In order to include public transit schedule data in a network analysis, we need to create a network dataset that includes the public transit data. This video walks you through that process. We start…
Frequent, convenient transit service isn't useful if that service doesn't take you valuable destinations, like your job, your school, the grocery store, the doctor's office, the…
This video introduces the Esri Network Analyst Public Transit Data Model. Because data in this format is used as input to some other tools this video series talks about, this video provides important…
In previous videos, we talked about how to map the locations of your transit stops and lines and how to assess the coverage of your transit system. However, so far we’ve only talked about…
In previous videos, we mapped the transit stops and lines and calculated the coverage of the transit system using a Service Area. That showed us where was served by the transit system. In this video,…
This video answers the question "What geographic area is served by the transit system?" We'll discuss how to, and how not to, map the transit system coverage area. We'll use the…
A typical fixed-route transit system serves only the people and areas within a short distance of transit stops. To answer the question "Who does the public transit system serve?", we need…
GTFS, or General Transit Feed Specification, is the only worldwide standardized format for public transit schedule data. It includes the stops, the lines, the schedules, and some other information.…
Public transit (like buses and subways) serves the people of a city by providing access to jobs, education, shopping, healthcare, recreation, and more. Traffic congestion, climate change, and the…