An exploration of how GIS displays can increasingly serve as portals between worlds, by way of virtual 3D coastal atlases and the coupling gaming engines with GIS for augmented reality in support of…
The Office of Coast Survey was one of the first Federal agencies that embraced Esri‘s new capability for organizing geospatial information within an organization. Navigation managers,…
The Submerged Lands Act (SLA) boundary divides offshore State and Federal waters. This boundary can move over time as changes in the coastline occur. The SLA allows the boundary to be permanently…
NOAA’s Office of Coast Survey - Marine Chart Division has been engaged in a multi-year project to transform its nautical chart production system from a cell based CAD model to a database driven…
A new analysis proposes marine biogeographic realms based on species distributions, and candidate marine ecosystems based on ‘Ecological Marine Units’ have been derived from analysis of…
This session covers demonstrations including Living Atlas of the World, Drone2Map, Spatial Statistics, R-Bridge, sharing data in ArcGIS Pro, and Web App Builder.
In the CNMI, spatially explicit information related to coastal permitting is often scattered throughout many data repositories, both digital and print. A map-based decision support tool that…
The Ocean Reporting Tool is new effort by the MarineCadastre.gov team, a partnership between NOAA and BOEM. The tool delivers ocean information in a report-based format using summary statistics,…
Our project involves 70 teams in 27 countries photographing and documenting freshwater and marine sites. Images and data are shared through an interface constructed with ArcGIS JavaScript API. It…
Interactions between marine mammal populations and human activities within the southern California bight have been investigated since 2011. Recently, we compared recording sightings with traditional…
As ocean sustainability grows in importance and the UN seeks to implement policy for the management of areas beyond national jurisdiction (ABNJ) the understanding of human impact across our oceans…
In 2016, NOAA created a method to utilize Electronic Charting Systems to provide crowdsourced bathymetry data. We will discuss the methods of data collection, availability of the data, how GIS was…
Large-scale, large-participant sampling efforts require substantial coordination, orchestrating the deployment of multiple boats carrying dive teams to survey sites distributed by strata based on…
Benthic Terrain Modeler is a toolbox for ArcGIS for Desktop that enables users to extract new information from bathymetric data. The new version, 3.0, features exciting new capabilities such as an…
The risk-based Hydrographic Health model improves past survey prioritization efforts by using modern datasets and analytical GIS tools. Scripting was used to build a repeatable and modular routine,…
Advancements in Hydrographic based applications are leading to the incorporation of geodatabases & user guided workflows. This allows for rapid adjustments during a variety of operations (e.g.…