Search for tag: "english"
GIS Day 2020Join us virtually this year as we celebrate GIS Day! Sign up to participate in a virtual event or register your own event here:…
From Esri
32 plays
GIS Day 2020 v5Join us virtually this year as we celebrate GIS Day! Sign up to participate in a virtual event or register your own event here:…
From Esri
0 plays
Teaching GIS in Schools gives hope for his hometownHaving grown up in the projects of Boyle Heights, knows how hard it can be as a teenager in East Los Angeles. That’s why he’s excited about a graduation requirement at Roosevelt…
From Esri
180 plays
Boyle Heights High School Student Maps Course to FutureThe school Abigail Gonzalez attended, in the Boyle Heights community of Los Angeles, does a "Service Learning Project" in 11th grade. This intense look at a social justice topic, using…
From Esri
142 plays
L.A. High School Maptivists Research Social Justice (short)Every year, eleventh grade students in the Math, Science, & Technology Magnet Academy at Roosevelt High School, in the Boyle Heights community of Los Angeles, do a "Service Learning…
From Esri
361 plays
L.A. High School Maptivists Research Social Justice (long)Every year, eleventh grade students in the Math, Science, & Technology Magnet Academy at Roosevelt High School, in the Boyle Heights community of Los Angeles, do a "Service Learning…
From Esri
96 plays