Search for tag: "divesh goyal"
ArcGIS Runtime: Working with Your PortalThe portal is a fundamental component of the Web GIS; it holds and organizes your Maps, layers, users, groups and other data. This session will cover what you need to know to build great apps that…
From Esri
6 plays
ArcGIS Runtime SDK for iOS and macOS: Building AppsThe ArcGIS Runtime SDK for iOS and macOS allows you to quickly and easily build interactive mapping applications for Apple platforms. This session introduces the SDK then covers common developer…
From Esri
8 plays
Layers and DataArcGIS engineer Divesh Goyal discusses and demonstrates how native app developers can work with a variety of data formats: shapefiles, OGC compliant formats, as well as nautical chart formats. Learn…
From Esri
12 plays
AR/VR in Native AppsArcGIS Runtime is now a strong platform for building apps that provide the ability to visualize and interact with data naturally using augmented reality and virtual reality. Euan Cameron provides a…
From Esri
37 plays