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Serving Our Users - Advancing Your Work
Learn how Esri supports the GIS user community with professional development opportunities, K-12 programs
Esri–Serving Our Users, Jack Dangermond, Esri FedGIS 2021 (4-of-4)
Learn the many ways Esri supports the GIS user community with professional development opportunities, K-
Esri – Serving Our Users, Jack Dangermond (4 of 4)
Learn the many ways Esri supports the GIS user community with professional development opportunities, K-
Esri: Serving Our Users
Learn how Esri supports the GIS user community with professional development opportunities, K-12 programs
Esri Education: Teacher Testimonials
Learn how other K-12 teachers have used ArcGIS Online in their classroom to increase engagement.
Esri GeoInquiries
The Esri GeoInquiries collections help teachers in nearly any school subject area enhance instruction through ArcGIS Online. Collections are free and available for geography, social studies, literature, math, and science.
Esri – Serving Our User Community
Learn how Esri supports the GIS user community through professional development opportunities, education and focused resources. Hear Jack's closing message and his call to action for the GIS community.
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L.A. High School Maptivists Research Social Justice (long)
(Any K12 school can acquire the same GIS software for free for instruction, at
Esri – Serving Our User Community
Learn how Esri supports the GIS user community through professional development opportunities, education and focused resources. Hear Jack's closing message and his call to action for the GIS community.
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Teaching GIS in Schools gives hope for his hometown
Having grown up in the projects of Boyle Heights, knows how hard it can be as a teenager in East Los Angeles. That’s why he’s excited about a graduation requirement at Roosevelt High that turns students into “maptivists,” tech-savvy citizens who use geographic information systems to make a pos…