From summer 2020 through summer 2021 the D4CR geodesign team worked with the City of Warren, MN to envision their regenerative future. (Focussing on economic and environmental impact of School District Campus, Golf Course and City owned property) What was originally intended as an in-person process moved online due to the pandemic. The team created a virtual community room in Miro that held the materials for each workshop and tools for community members to engage. The ‘back wall’ of the community room held the history of community process and progress throughout the year and tells the story of the project. D4CR is a geodesign process that catalyzes greater resilience in rural, peri-urban, and urban communities in Minnesota by bringing an interdisciplinary D4CR team led by Minnesota Design Center and its partners to generate statewide redevelopment of underutilized land to address 21st Century Grand Challenges. The D4CR team used an ArcGIS StoryMap to orient the community to the process, Survey 123 and Web Map for Community Crowdsource Place mapping, a Web App to share GIS/IGC layers with community for understanding and comment, and a dashboard app to display the regenerative score for the existing conditions, show a maximum “backcasting” option, and choose their priorities. The community used geodesign to identify 12 bundles of design projects–four of which are being prototyped this year: An ESRI Welcome to Warren Interactive Map for economic development and tourism; a 100% Clean Energy Independence Plan; a Safe Routes Tree Trail Loop; and prototyping Core Area Innovations in city parks, downtown, and the K-12 school campus. Attendees will learn from this completed pilot that applied geodesign innovations and processes in a small rural community, using backcasting from a regenerative future, integrating virtual engagement tools, and leading to a statewide plan for regional geodesign hubs based at five University of Minnesota campuses.
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