Lockheed Martin
From Esri July 10th, 2023
From Esri July 10th, 2023
Lockheed Martin maintains a Global Emergency Operations Center (GEOC) to support the safety, health, well-being and security of their staff, facilities and assets. Using ArcGIS for their security operations, watch officers monitor global incidents, detect threats, understand impacts to their operations and prioritize immediate action.
With more than 120,000 employees located in more than 350 facilities across more than 40 countries, Lockheed Martin wants to ensure the safety and security of each facility and each employee – their most important asset. Their duty of care extends to employees anywhere and at any time.
In 2014, Lockheed Martin realized they needed a better system to assess, respond and mitigate threat risks. They developed the Global Emergency Operations Center (GEOC) as a 24/7/365 solution to monitor threats around the world using data collected in a GIS – a Global Command Center (GCC).
When risk events intersect assets and there is a potential risk, watch officers analyze the threat, then assign an impact and probability rating in order to calculate the threat risk and take action. Wellness checks are quickly conducted on employees in the affected area, even outside of work hours.
Threats can be global, affecting many employees, or local, affecting just one. Lockheed Martin analyzes each threat to its assets, providing the necessary information to stakeholders.
There are hundreds of thousands of events each year and any one of them can be a threat to Lockheed Martin’s employees and their business. The GCC allows them to reduce the noise, stay ahead of these events and ensure the safety of their employees.