We have a wealth of data and a shortage of informed decisions. This is because data is often inaccessible to those who it would impact the most, or there’s limited shared agreement on what data, measures and metrics truly inform and improve the decision-making process.
Market analysis should start with an understanding of your markets and customers. Without this, can you be sure you are properly serving their needs and desires? Once established it’s easier to benchmark and compare, evaluate the role and size of competition and ultimately build an analysis-led strategy that drives improvements and reduces execution risk.
This webinar will introduce the 4 key steps for turning data into informed decisions:
1. Ground Truth – Establish authoritative, shared business understanding.
2. Measure & Monitor – Define metrics and how to enable decision-makers.
3. Assess Impacts – Evaluate strategy, expectations and impact of change, and
4. Plan Response – Prioritize and execute an effective response.
Learn more here https://www.esri.com/en-us/industries/real-estate/overview
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