We combine drone imagery with spatial storytelling to explain
impacts on and adaptations to a changing environment on Belize Barrier Reef islands. Our key research question is: how are island communities impacted by and adapting to development, environmental degradation, and climate change? We report on our openly available GIS data portal of the Belize Barrier Reef islands that includes up-to-date high-resolution imagery and GIS data about structures, docks, island polygons, alternative energy sources, sea walls, shoreline erosion, and mangrove loss. In addition, we engage in spatial storytelling with local residents to represent and share local knowledge about the islands to complement the drone imagery. Drone2Map is utilized to create orthomosaics from the drone imagery collected, and ArcGIS Online is used to create annotated maps. The mixed-method approach allows our team to better understand community needs and adaptations along the world’s second largest
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