Search for tag: "vulnerable"

Crime in Vulnerable Neighborhoods in Sweden

The term “vulnerable neighborhoods” was first used in Sweden in 2015 to describe neighborhoods where the everyday life of citizens is highly affected by criminality. Understanding the…

From  Esri 137 plays

Network Adequacy with GIS in Under 2-Minutes

Network adequacy standards ensure that health plan members can have reasonable access to health services. Achieve geographic accessibility through facility siting, providing mobile and e-health…

+38 More
From  Esri 61 plays

Using GIS to Support Equitable and Speedy Vaccine Distribution (Hosted by NSGIC)

Hosted by the National States Geographic Information Council (NSGIC), this presentation explores how state and local governments can use GIS to provide effective leadership in the monumental effort…

+28 More
From  Esri 14 plays