Search for tag: "volunteer"

Pioneering Modern Approaches to Homelessness

Emily Vaughn Henry, Deputy CIO for Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority (LAHSA), showcases their work to conduct the largest-scale annual homeless Point-in-Time Count at the 2023 Esri Public…

+29 More
From  batchUser 136 plays

Improve Nonprofit Planning and Operations with GIS

Using the lens of geography, nonprofit managers and decision-makers can see where the need for their services is greatest; where donors, volunteers, and beneficiaries are located; and where program…

+40 More
From  Esri 34 plays

Lebanese Red Cross: Helping the Most Vulnerable using GIS

How the Lebanese Red Cross adopt GIS technology in his daily operations and how the transformation to geospatial analysis improve response time for ambulance services, increasing the number of blood…

+10 More
From  Esri 20 plays