Search for tag: "venues"
Mobile 311 Configuration for ArcGIS IndoorsTo enable 311 functionality in the ArcGIS Indoors web and mobile applications, you must first create a survey through Survey123 Connect for ArcGIS and match the ArcGIS Indoors Configuration Table to…
From Esri
13 plays
(Legacy) Creating Indoor Maps for Mobile and Web ApplicationsFrom the required layers, to the pop-ups and the publishing process, this tutorial explains the workflow required to publish web and mobile maps of the ArcGIS Indoors model. To get started with…
From Esri
64 plays
Creating the Network Dataset (II): Testing and Publishing the NetworkThe next step in creating the network dataset is building, testing, and publishing the network. This video will walk through the steps to publishing the network dataset to be used in ArcGIS products…
From Esri
46 plays
A Powerful Way For Managing Your WorkplaceDo you need to leverage Building Information Analytics? This video is meant for you. In this video, I present how you can take ArcGIS Indoors data and create a powerful Operations Dashboard. To…
From Esri
14 plays
Creating the Network Dataset (I): Pathways and Thin PathwaysThe creation of the network dataset involves several geoprocessing tools. The tools in the Indoors Network toolset use a pathway-based approach to automate the network creation process inside…
From Esri
50 plays
(Legacy) Points of Interest Creation and Curation: ArcGIS Indoors for ProThis video overviews how to create and curate building points of interest for the ArcGIS Indoors Information Model. Points of Interests are: people, places, events, or objects. For example; assets,…
From Esri
21 plays
(Legacy) Creating Indoors Database and Loading Floorplans to Indoors: ArcGIS Indoors for ProBefore you can add data, you will need to create a file geodatabase and use the Create Indoors Database geoprocessing tool in the Indoors Tools toolbox to populate it with the Indoors feature…
From Esri
86 plays
(Legacy) Reprojecting and Georeferencing CAD: ArcGIS Indoors for ProFor more information about ArcGIS Indoors, please visit: It is important to accurately georeference your CAD floorplans because errors in scaling or geographic location will…
From Esri
38 plays