Search for tag: "spread"

Community Contact Tracing An Overview

To enhance the process of contact tracing, Esri has introduced the concept of Community Contact Tracing, or the addition of location information to determine the places where viral spread may be…

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From  Esri 33 plays

Community Contact Tracing: A Method to Modernize and Enhance Contact Tracing

In the earliest stage of an outbreak, contact tracing has always been a robust intervention for containment efforts. However, as an outbreak evolves to pandemic status and transmission advances to…

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From  Esri 17 plays

Animated Maps: Confirmed Cases of COVID-19 from January 22 to July 27 (4K)

The COVID-19 pandemic is a stark reminder of the porousness of political boundaries in our interconnected world. On January 21, 2020, less than a month after the outbreak began in Wuhan, China, the…

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From  Esri 346 plays