Search for tag: "sdgs"
Geospatial Enablement Program for Official StatisticsArcGIS is a complete solution for your census. Qualified National Statistical Organizations (NSOs) can leverage this technology for census and statistical operations and program management. Learn…
From Esri National Government
96 plays
SDGs4InteriorDesign: Matrices for RE-conciling Natural-Ecology &Human-EcologySDGs4Interior uses spatial technology to address the SDGs in design education; this approach to human centered design contrasts with conventional methods of design that fail to engage learners in…
From Esri
3 plays
A Framework for Sustaining Our WorldTo address the epic challenges we face as a global society, we need to understand where we are today, what we are trying to collectively achieve, and how we are making progress. This understanding is…
From Esri
5 plays
Getting to Work on the SDGs WebinarSeventeen global goals created by the United Nations to be the blueprint to achieve peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and into the future. We know those goals. We have the…
From Esri
13 plays
People, Planet, Prosperity, and PeaceThis webinar will share the highlights from the GIS for a Sustainable World Conference that took place on April 17-19, 2018, in Geneva. You can anticipate a review of topics we covered, management…
From Esri
14 plays
The Federated System for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) WebinarThe United Nations Statistics Division has partnered with Esri in an effort to help UN member states implement data hubs for assessing, monitoring and reporting sustainable development goals. Data…
From Esri
13 plays
Modernization Program for Official StatisticsArcGIS is a complete solution for your census. Qualified National Statistical Organizations (NSOs) can leverage this technology for census and statistical operations and program management. Learn…
From Esri National Government
31 plays
Engaging Stakeholders and BeneficiariesNo organization works in a vacuum. In our interconnected world partnerships are increasingly important for understanding and achieving the impact of our collective work towards sustainable…
From Esri
22 plays
Monitoring & Evaluation for Sustainable Development ProgramsIn a a data-driven age, understanding the impact that our projects and programs have is becoming essential. Measuring the results of our activities helps us justify spending resources, secure future…
From Esri
39 plays
GIS Solutions for Sustainable Development Goals WebinarThe world faces many complex and interrelated challenges - the science of where provides a unique framework for understanding and can guide the actions needed to solve them. In order to maximize the…
From Esri
74 plays