Search for tag: "property"
Leveraging Data and Technology to Provide Life-Saving InsightsThe core values of the fire service are to protect lives, property, and the environment through preparedness, prevention, public education, and emergency response. Fire service leaders want to…
From Esri
46 plays
Equitable Property Value UpdateCheck out the newly released ArcGIS Solutions site and how to access the Assessment and Taxation solutions. We will go into detail on the benefits of Esri's public engagement solution - the…
From Esri
20 plays
Latin American Webinar Series | Improving Property Valuation With GISLearn how you can leverage ArcGIS to improve existing property values with spatial analysis, automate data collection with deep learning feature extraction models, and add to property characteristics…
From Shannon Fries
111 plays
Self-Service Access to Property InformationImprove your engagement with citizens, property owners, and real estate professionals. Modernize your web presence to inform taxpayers of the assessment process, deliver focused information products,…
From Esri
34 plays
Equitable Property Value Deep DiveEsri & local government GIS specialist Pro-West & Associates dive deeper into the Equitable Property Value (EPV) Initiative for ArcGIS Hub – the new solution built for assessors. In…
From Esri
23 plays
Doing More with Spatial Analysis: An Introduction to Spatial StatisticsSpatial statistics can help you see your data in new ways and aid in the journey to finding that equitable valuation we are all searching for. Joined by a guest presentation by Alberto Nieto,…
From Esri
111 plays
Equitable Property Value WebinarEsri has a new configurable public engagement solution that allows assessors to digitally transform their office. This solution organizes all the property information that assessors need to share…
From Esri
21 plays
Fit-for-Purpose Land Administration with LADMThis webinar shows how to get started with configurable off-the-shelf Web GIS solutions for fit-for-purpose cadastral systems. There is no longer a need for custom programming, complex…
From Esri
50 plays
Planning for 2020For more information, please visit: A lot is going on in ArcGIS, and you'll want to take advantage of many of the updates, new apps, and capabilities. Whether…
From Esri
6 plays
What's New in Parcel ManagementFor more information, please visit: Parcels continue to be the fundamental building block of local government GIS. Efficiently managing parcels and maintaining and improving…
From Esri
57 plays
Valuation Workflows Within ArcGISFor more information, please visit: Property assessors face a variety of challenges from maintaining the trust and confidence of the public and keeping data current to…
From Esri
58 plays
Today’s Public Engagement for AssessorsSee how you could use your GIS to enable supporting agencies, organizations, and the public to locate an area of interest and review common information stored typically in the local government's…
From Esri
12 plays
UC Interview Dorothy Jacks, President IAAODorothy Jacks, President of the International Association of Assessing Officers (IAAO), speaks on the partnership Esri and IAAO have had over the years. This foundational partnership has played a…
From Esri
4 plays
UC Interview - Dorothy Jacks, Appraiser Palm Beach Co.Dorothy Jacks, assessing officer of Palm Beach County, discusses the ground-breaking initiatives to produce a fair and equitable tax roll, broaden the efficiency of the office, embrace new and…
From Esri
3 plays
Discuss the ArcGIS for Local Government UC 2018 ReleaseWe discussed what's coming in the ArcGIS for Local Government UC 2018 release and talk about ArcGIS for Local Government events at the 2018 Esri UC. Learn more:…
From Esri
2 plays
Citizens Property Insurance: Improving Operational Efficiency with GISCitizens Property Insurance’s web mapping app combines National Hurricane Center weather, policy, and claims data to help prepare for large storms in Florida. With ArcGIS software, catastrophe…
From Esri
112 plays