Search for tag: "mvvm"
ArcGIS Pro SDK for .NET: Asynchronous Programming for Addins 2Continuing from Part 1, we look at Dockpanes and MVVM, Observable collections and thread-safe bindings for your UI, custom UI Feedback and progress.
From Esri
96 plays
ArcGIS Pro SDK for .NET: Intermediate Data Visualization Using Table ControlsTrying to visualize data with your own custom Dockpane, Pane, or ProWindow? In this session, we will show you how to embed and customize reusable controls like TableControl and GeometryControl and…
From Esri
126 plays
ArcGIS Pro SDK for .NET: Mapping and LayoutLearn how to create map tools for selection and identify, and custom pop-ups. We will examine the new Pro Layout API to create Layouts on-the-fly as well as integrate it with Layout Map Series. We…
From Esri
82 plays
ArcGIS Pro SDK for .NET: UI Design and MVVMLearn how to write Add-ins for Pro with advanced user interface components including custom control, gallery, and dock pane. We focus on MVVM and integration of WPF to write compelling UIs with Pro…
From Esri
216 plays