Search for tag: "msdi"

Esri UC 2021 Maritime Special Interest Group Q&A

A roundtable discussion and Q&A with the Rafael Ponce (Esri), Dan McBride (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers), Dr. Patricia Dijoseph (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers), and Captain Lukman Hanafiah bin…

From  Esri National Maritime 8 plays

MyMarine GeoHub as Marine Spatial Data Infrastructure for Malaysia and Maritime Chart Service

A presentation by Captain Lukman Hanafiah bin Azamar Omar of the National Hydrographic Center, Royal Malaysian Navy at the 2021 Esri User Conference Maritime Special Interest Group Meeting. For…

From  Esri National Maritime 54 plays

Hydrospatial Infrastructures: The New MSDI

Learn how new technologies and standards work best in Hydrospatial systems to organize data, create information products and support decision making anywhere and at any time, through sensors,…

From  Esri National Government 25 plays

Transforming an MSDI into a Modern Hydrospatial Infrastructure

This webinar will cover the basics of a Marine Spatial Data Infrastructure (MSDI), how to create or enhance MSDI's using powerful geospatial technology. Additional topics will include why this…

From  Esri National Government 23 plays