Search for tag: "housemap"
Communicating Policy Issues with Story MapsPolicy makers are tasked with tough decisions on how, when, and where to invest taxpayer dollars for maintaining and expanding our nation’s critical infrastructure. GIS is an essential tool for…
From Esri
5 plays
Building Story Maps for Public Websites, Press, and MediaUse Esri Story Maps templates to present information regarding legislative research or member outreach for a public audience.
From Esri
10 plays
Mapping Constituent CorrespondenceParticipants will learn how to map their authoritative data (constituent correspondence) using the ArcGIS Maps for Office plug-in.
From Esri
6 plays
Introduction to Digital Mapping for CongressParticipants will learn how ArcGIS Online allows congressional staff to discover, create, share, and manage maps and location-based data, enabling anyone in an organization to make and share maps…
From Esri
10 plays