Search for tag: "homelessness"

Health GIS Beyond COVID-19 in San Bernardino County

The largest county in the U.S. San Bernardino County, highlights how they use GIS to; assist individuals experiencing homelessness, disease surveillance, vector surveillance, and addressing food…

From  Esri 143 plays

Implementation Strategies for Success: Using the ArcGIS Solutions

Esri's director of solutions highlights how ArcGIS includes solutions that are preconfigured and ready to implement to your GIS today. These solutions can save you hours of work as they are…

+4 More
From  Esri 61 plays

Driving Housing and Homelessness Policy with GIS

Effective and equitable access to housing is a key component to a successful smart community. Rising housing prices, fluctuations in urbanization patterns, and elevated financial burdens on middle…

+12 More
From  Esri 48 plays

Mapping and Analyzing Health Equity with GIS

Find out how mapping and analyzing social determinants of health can lead to data-driven decisions that improve health access and outcomes. This meetup will use tutorial-style demonstrations to…

+12 More
From  Esri 79 plays

Discuss What’s Coming in State and Local Government Solutions

We provided a sneak peek of what we’re working on for the December 2018 release and highlight plans for the State and Local Government solutions in the first half of 2019. For more…

From  Esri 20 plays

Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS - Homeless Service Locator

This application is used by the general public and engaged organizations to locate homeless services in a community. For more information, visit:…

From  Esri 11 plays

Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS - Homeless Activity Dashboard

An application used to monitor reports of homeless individuals and encampments in the community submitted by the general public. For more information, visit:…

From  Esri 17 plays

Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS - Health Resource Inventory

This application is used by public health and human services agencies to inventory homeless, drug treatment, and other health and human service providers in a community. For more information, visit:…

From  Esri 17 plays

Survey123 for ArcGIS - Homeless Count

This survey is used by health and human service agencies and their network of volunteers to conduct a Point-in-Time Count of sheltered and unsheltered homeless persons. For more information, visit:…

From  ArcGIS Survey123 156 plays

An Overview of New Homelessness and Opioid Maps and Apps

Discussion of how a series of ArcGIS for Local Government maps and apps can be used to help reduce homelessness and tackle the opioid epidemic. Learn more, here:

+13 More
From  Esri 12 plays