Search for tag: "courtney claessens"
Building Urban Analytics for HubAddressing complex urban and community problems requires a holistic approach to spatial analysis, planning and policy. ArcGIS Hub organizes these goals into Initiatives that drive data sharing and…
From Esri
6 plays
Design and Launch Hub InitiativesArcGIS Hub organizes government around data-driven initiatives to accomplish meaningful goals to improve their communities. Hub Initiatives share the best practices of configurable apps,…
From Esri
16 plays
Customizing Hub and Open DataArcGIS includes easy to use Site and Page editing for sharing your private information within organization and open data with the public. Learn about ArcGIS Hub and how to make an engaging,…
From Esri
15 plays
Esri UC 2017: ArcGIS HubJoin Esri's Andrew Turner and Courtney Claessens as they introduce you to a new product everyone can use to build their own smart community: ArcGIS Hub. Watch a demonstration of South Bend,…
From Esri
15 plays