Search for tag: "communication"

Telecommunciations Solution: Communications Service Availability

For more information, please visit

From  Yvonne Lin 94 plays

ArcGIS Hub: Collaborating and Engaging Your Community on Projects

ArcGIS Hub helps organizations collaborate and engage with their communities. In this session, you will learn how to manage and organize real-world projects and initiatives, communicate progress…

From  Esri 142 plays

Communication: The Keystone of a Geospatial Adoption Strategy

GIS is mission-critical technology for thousands of organizations, and many are looking to deploy new ArcGIS capabilities to reap even more benefits. Making a technology vision real, though, relies…

From  Esri Training 125 plays

Improve Nonprofit Planning and Operations with GIS

Using the lens of geography, nonprofit managers and decision-makers can see where the need for their services is greatest; where donors, volunteers, and beneficiaries are located; and where program…

+40 More
From  Esri 35 plays

Three Must-Use GIS Tools for Pandemic Response and Beyond

Mobile data collection tools, connected to dashboards, which are then included in communication hubs, have emerged as a winning combination for pandemic response. In this learning session,…

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From  Esri 31 plays

Happy GIS Day 2020 | Celebrate the GIS Heroes | A message from Jack Dangermond

Jack Dangermond wishes the world a happy GIS Day 2020. Jack thanks all the event organizers and participants for joining in this 21st year celebration of GIS. GIS Day is an international forum for…

+27 More
From  Esri 36 plays

Happy GIS Day 2019 | A message from Jack Dangermond

Jack Dangermond wishes the world a happy GIS Day 2019. Jack thanks all the event organizers and participants and explains the importance of their events in this 20th year celebration of GIS. GIS Day…

+26 More
From  Esri 20 plays

Esri 2017 SES: NYC Data Analytics

How the New York City Data Analytics team responded to and learned from a catastrophe. Watch their presentation from the Esri Senior Executive Summit (SES) 2017.

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From  Esri 11 plays