Search for tag: "color"
Red-green color schemes and map accessibilityTo make a more accessible map, avoid red-green color schemes. More than 4% of people have some form of color blindness, and red and green are the most commonly confused colors. This video shows how…
From Heather Smith
337 plays
Migrating from ArcMap to ArcGIS Pro: Color Coded LayerThis video compares the process of creating a color coded layer in ArcMap and ArcGIS Pro.
From Diana Aschmoneit
56 plays
Color-Coded Maps (Classic) in Business AnalystLearn how to build a color-coded map in Business Analyst. To learn more, read Create color-coded maps.
From ArcGIS Business Analyst
853 plays
Add a Layer of Clarity to Your Maps in ArcGIS OnlineLearn how to add clarity to your color and size maps with Map Viewer. For more information, please visit:…
From Esri
65 plays