59:47duration 59 minutes 47 seconds
Discuss the Flood Impact Analysis Solution
We discussed how the new Flood Impact Analysis…
01:08:02duration 1 hour 8 minutes
A Sneak Peek of the new Addressing Maps and Apps
We'll provide a sneak peek of the new ArcGIS…
01:07:52duration 1 hour 7 minutes
Discuss What’s Coming in State and Local…
Discuss What’s Coming in State and Local Government Solutions
We provided a sneak peek of what we’re…
56:29duration 56 minutes 29 seconds
Discuss What’s Coming in the UC 2019 Release
We discussed what's coming in the ArcGIS…
01:05:19duration 1 hour 5 minutes
Discuss the Election Solutions
We discussed a new collection of ArcGIS Solutions…
47:25duration 47 minutes 25 seconds
Discuss the Natural Resource and Wildlife Locators
We discussed a collection of ArcGIS Solutions…
01:01:21duration 1 hour 1 minute
Discuss the Performance Management Solution
We discussed the new performance management…