Search for tag: "allan laframboise"
Designing Apps with Calcite MapsCalcite Maps is a new map app development framework built on top of Calcite and Bootstrap. Join us to learn what the framework is and how you can leverage it to quickly develop custom web and mobile…
From Esri
51 plays
App Design and CSS Styling with the ArcGIS API for JavaScript v4This session will illustrate how to leverage the new ArcGIS API for JavaScript API to build effective web map apps. This includes taking an inside look at the View and UI framework, the CSS, and the…
From Esri
9 plays
Improving Your Web App Through UI/UX Best PracticesWith so many great GIS tools around, why isn't map app design a slam dunk? This session teaches you that great UX is more than the sum of its parts and explains how to design more compelling…
From Esri
6 plays