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WhereNext Fast Four--Retail Crime
interview, Esri's Gary Sankary explains how a geographic approach offers companies a new way to address retail
Location Insights are Transforming Business - Full Interview
They discuss the many ways location intelligence has been benefiting the retail sphere.
Location Insights are Transforming Business
Esri was on the show floor for "NRF 2023: Retail's Big Show".
Esri & Forrester Consulting Report
Check out the report here:
WhereNext Fast Four Retail in Focus
Fast Four video, Esri’s Gary Sankary explains what’s to come for a technology
that has driven key retail
Find the optimal location with ArcGIS Business Analyst
Add your own propriety data alongside ArcGIS Business Analyst data and combine it with suitability analysis and points of interest search to help you rank and identify the optimal site for a potential new location.
Marketing Story - Coffee Sales
. ------- Learn more about GIS in Business:
PUG 2021 Downstream: The Future of Retail
points to ponder around how Shell is reinventing its approach to the retail business.
2018 Retail User Group Special Interest Group Webinar 1
Esri's first Retail Special Interest Group webinar of 2018 was a success.
The Power of a Location Strategy for Digital Retailers
Gary Sankary, Esri's retail industry manager, explains how The Science of Where can help retailers understand