As a large-scale coral reef restoration initiative, unprecedented in geographic scale and projected outcomes, NOAA’s Mission: Iconic Reefs necessitates integrated spatial-based project management solutions that support both the people and the processes involved. Both the outward implementation of mission goals, as well as backend operations must align to create the holistic approach to restoration that the mission embodies. Through the NOAA GeoPlatform, various AGOL products are serving as dynamic solutions to these needs, centralized in an internal communications Hub that provides access to the mission’s core online tools – an assortment of Experience Builder, Dashboard, Survey123, Workforce, and Maps. These tools collectively allow both internal and external constituents the ability to access key information, while also building camaraderie and overall alignment toward mission goals. AGOL tool function is refined over time to be evermore customized through adaptive management principles. Across Mission: Iconic Reefs twenty plus years of active restoration, continued refinements and future ESRI integrations will enable sustained success.
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