Cartographic creations with web maps is a five-part tutorial series that teaches how to build interactive maps with professional cartographic design. This video provides an introduction to the material covered in the tutorials. Try the tutorial series:
The data shown in this video comes from the following sources:
The National Parks (England) layer is from Natural England and the Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs. Natural England copyright. Contains Ordnance Survey data. Crown copyright and database right 2024.
The Lake District National Park and Clip layers are filtered views of the National Parks (England) layer described above.
The Lakes layer is from the UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology and The Rivers Trust. Contains Ordnance Survey Data. Taylor, P.J. (2021). Spatial inventory of UK waterbodies. NERC EDS Environmental Information Data Centre. (Dataset).
The Rivers layer is from Esri UK and the Ordnance Survey. Contains OS data. Crown Copyright and database right 2024.
In the basemap, the GB Light Grey, GB Hillshade, and GB Cartographic layers are from Esri UK and have the following sources: Contains OS data. Crown Copyright and database right 2023. Contains data from OS Zoomstack.
The diagram image was created by Esri for this tutorial.