Damian Spangrud, Esri Director of Solutions and Danny Spillmann, Dir. for Nat. Resources, discuss the concepts of Big Data and the Digital Twin applied to spatial problems in O&G. Danny suggests there is a commonly adopted GIS maturity model from a system of record maintained by Desktop/Pro, through the development of web clients, to mobile, then image management to real-time and big-data analytics. He stresses though that there is an evolving trend amongst Data Scientists when exposed to O&G Big Data problems, they tend to jump in with BI-oriented analytics tools and then realize they need to deal with spatial data-types and analysis. We need to anticipate this and help apply appropriate principals to manage Big (Spatial) Data in terms of volume, variety, velocity and veracity and then use appropriate (spatially-oriented) Big Data Analytics in intuitive ways that create real value for the business. Damian illustrates some important principals using everyday examples gleaned from other industries, that might be worth applying to our thinking, and mentions development work in progress with Esri partners on oil-field IoT type systems. Damian encourages the audience to think about the ArcGIS platform differently, in terms of being an analytics platform, and to find a project, jump-in and do it - for you will surely need to in the near future to enable continued digital transformation within your own organization.