Successful defense organizations have transformed how they work by leveraging the power of GIS and bring together the richness of ArcGIS data visualization, management, and analysis to move from purely a system of record to also systems of insight and leader engagement to enhance their critical work. But this rich condition assessment data can introduce complexity for decision makers on a Defense installation. ArcGIS Experience Builder can help users ingest that rich data to dynamically provide live metrics in the form of geocards. The app provides a live webmap denoting conditions for utilities, roof, foundation, and other metrics using Arcade to power the popup to match the map symbology color scheme. Digging deeper into the roof data, ArcGIS Insights allows decision makers to interact with key performance indicators allowing for future planning. A commander can make quick decisions using the ArcGIS Dashboard roof scenario application where a facility roof priority list generates, and potential impacts display throughout. Finally, ArcGIS Experience Builder consumes the roof priority list as a page creating a one stop shop for leadership to visualize and act upon facilities data.
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