With crime and disorder again on the rise, law enforcement agencies are re-evaluating their standard processes to control crime. The Compstat model remains policing’s de-facto standard for managing crime reduction strategies, but many agencies find the process inefficient and unsustainable for both analysts and leadership, and struggle to use it to realize their crime reduction goals. At the same time, to drive effective crime reduction, agencies are adopting modern evidence-based strategies that are problem-oriented and place-based.
This session introduces Esri’s forthcoming Crime Reduction Operations solution. The solution helps agencies improve the effectiveness of their crime reduction operations by using statistics and analysis to identify place-based crime problems, develop evidence-based responses to those problems, and evaluate the effectiveness of responses to understand success and know what works. The solution improves efficiency and sustainability of the operational process with automation tools, standardized analytical products, accountability through data transparency, and role-based apps to enable 24/7 decision support.
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