Mappy Minute: Alaska
From Sonya Schmidt August 17th, 2022
From Sonya Schmidt August 17th, 2022
Welcome to Mappy Minute, where Esri Cartographers Kenneth Field, Edie Punt, and Nathan Shephard discuss some of their favorite maps from the 2022 Esri UC Map Gallery and what makes them great. This Mappy Minute features the map of Alaska by Benchmark Maps.
Map details: A general reference wall map of the state of Alaska which includes data from Benchmark Maps' Alaska Road & Recreation Atlas. Hypsometric (elevation) tinting is employed to highlight the broad elevation range of the state and to better demarcate the ranges. Also included are the airports (both civilian and military), major rivers, highways, ferries, physical features, and public lands. All labels were carefully researched and hand-placed.
Source credit: Benchmark Maps
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