From Brianna Ettley June 15th, 2023
| 18 18 playsBrandon Adcock became its champion at the California Department of Public Health's Food and Drug branch, where he's investigated foodborne illnesses for over a… -
From Nicte Hernandez April 4th, 2023
| 367 367 playsEnvironmental health workflows are disorganized if they are not streamlined through a standardized system. Geographic information system technology improves operational… -
US Census COVID-19 Impact Report
03:47duration 3 minutes 47 seconds
US Census COVID-19 Impact Report
From Esri National Government December 17th, 2021
| 9 9 playsThis video explores the Census COVID-19 Impact Report highlighting key statistics around demographic, economic and social… -
From Esri National Government December 17th, 2021
| 9 9 playsThis video introduces you to the data visualization capabilities of the Small Business Pulse Survey (SBPS) dashboard and its… -
From Esri December 17th, 2021
| 12 12 playsThis video introduces you to the data visualization capabilities of the Community Resilience Estimates(CRE) dashboard and its… -
From Esri December 10th, 2021
| 6 6 playsThis video walks you through the COVID-19 Hub site. The COVID-19 Hub site is an interactive platform that provides easy access to key Census Bureau and other data… -
From Esri December 10th, 2021
| 0 0 playsLearn how to use available highlighted datasets to create maps or view and explore geographic data in the map viewer with ready to go… -
From Esri December 10th, 2021
| 5 5 playsExplore a curated set of maps that help you understand the impact of a policy. Learn more about the features of the policy map tool and see available… -
From Esri December 10th, 2021
| 6 6 playsExplore a library of geographic open data and learn how to search, view source information, preview, and download… -
From Esri May 28th, 2021
| 5 5 playsFrom analysis to mobile outreach, ArcGIS provides the tools necessary to close the gaps in vaccine accessibility. Learn more: https://arcg.is/08bz8j More about Esri… -
From Esri December 10th, 2020
| 14 14 playsHosted by the National States Geographic Information Council (NSGIC), this presentation explores how state and local governments can use GIS to provide effective… -
Track COVID-19 Vaccine Inventory
04:11duration 4 minutes 11 seconds
Track COVID-19 Vaccine Inventory
From Esri November 19th, 2020
| 11 11 playsWhile ArcGIS is used by many public health departments and health systems for a variety of planning activities, including planning the vaccination efforts for various… -
From Esri September 30th, 2020
| 11 11 plays"[The] work to safely develop and plan immunization in the US and around the world will require the most complex global vaccination campaign in history." It… -
From Esri September 14th, 2020
| 8 8 playsPublic health professionals quickly moved into response mode for COVID-19, working long hours to protect their communities, putting tried and true measures to work.… -
From Esri September 14th, 2020
| 8 8 playsPublic health professionals quickly moved into response mode for COVID-19, working long hours to protect their communities, putting tried and true measures to work.…
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